What is trauma? Why do we want to address it?

Trauma, simply put, is normalizing the abnormal.
Trauma-informed care takes into consideration that the individuals needing our services have experienced traumatic events. What makes trauma tricky to treat is that it is very much an “eye of the beholder” experience. What is traumatic for some is not traumatic for others. Domestic violence and intimate partner violence, as well as teen dating violence, happen in the shadows of our society and daily life. We know it exists, like a spider in a cobweb, but we don’t always see it so clearly.
A trauma-informed approach is built upon the acknowledgement that many behaviors and responses exhibited by survivors are directly linked to traumatic experiences. That includes staying in a relationship when experiencing domestic violence.
As our clients address trauma, at the heart of every discussion, every step in the journey, we remove the stigma and the shame.
Here’s What Our Trauma-Informed Care Model Looks Like:
- Focus on understanding the whole individual and life experiences
- Inspired by the survivor’s wisdom and knowledge about the roles that violence and victimization play
- Created to decrease the occurrences of domestic violence
- Creates a culture of safety
- Opens the door for recovery
- Creates opportunities for growth and strength
- Empowers the client’s choices and agency
- Increases empowerment and decreases the role imbalance between advocate and client
- Forges trust and safety within the therapeutic community